How Fat Freezing Produces Lasting Results

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Every new generation comes across various fads that promise the slim figure that they long for. However, most realize that these short-term trends are either good for temporary results, or really no improvement at all. You simply can’t melt fat away by drinking a range of detox teas or train the “water weight” away from a certain part of the body through quick, short bursts of exercises. Some fats are far too stubborn for these methods to make the impact that you want.

What is Fat Freezing, and why does it work so well?

Lasting results that make you look and feel great require fat loss treatment that is sustainable. A key trait of such treatment is that it will target the most stubborn fat pockets and work to finish them off permanently. One such treatment, and one that is rapidly gaining popularity is fat freezing or cryolipolysis. The Harley Clinic’s cryolipolysis is a non-invasive and easy method to reduce fat in common body areas that tend to not go away with exercise and diet. The rising popularity of this treatment is due to the fact that it is painless, while delivering visible results.

Non-Invasive and Healthy Fat Freezing in Sydney.

Wouldn’t it be great to experience the benefits of losing your fat, but not having to go under the knife as with surgical liposuction? One reason why patients prefer fat freezing over liposuction is because they don’t have to face the surgical risk, potential for adhesion’s, unnecessary down time, potential for scarring, and post-procedure problems typically associated with it. On the other hand, cryolipolyisis has little to no downtime and most patients even end up reading their favorite book throughout it! It’s like walking in and walking out, no downtime. Fat freezing side effects are non-existent, in majority of the cases.

The Harley Clinic offers fat freezing in Sydney, as well as fat freezing in Brisbane. Our unique and innovative approach to fat freezing begins with a simple, yet advanced body scan. We use technology to obtain a full 3d image of your body, which only takes 40 seconds but allows us to deliver optimal results in the coming weeks.

We can assess the current state of things, set ourselves a benchmark of success, and then follow through with solid results for our patients. The body scan is followed by the fat freezing procedure, and finally a session with a professional body coach who will help you make most out of the fat loss treatment. Get in touch with a fat loss expert by booking a consultation today or click to CoolTech cryolipolysis Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane fat freezing information.

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