Erectile problems can be caused by many things and one of them is reduced sensitivity in the penis, which leads to less pleasure and thus difficulties in achieving or maintaining erection or achieving orgasm.

The Harley Clinic offers a discrete, private and effective treatment for men suffering from erectile problems. If you are currently taking medication or a drug, speak to us about a longer term solution that is drug free. The Harley Clinic is a licensed and trained clinic to administer the Priapus Shot® (P-shot).

The P-shot is usually a one-time procedure however results may vary. A second injection can be done after 8-12 week (this will be assessed by our doctor). Results will vary from individual to individual, but can last between 12 and 18 months*.


Contact our medical staff today to book your free private consultation. Our expert medical team will help you identify the right treatment for your body needs and guide you through your body transformation journey.

Book you free consultation online or give our friendly team a call on 1300 787 563 to book or ask any questions you might have.

What Is The Priapus Shot® Or P-Shot?

The Priapus shot was developed by Charles Runels, MD. The technology behind this procedure is not new, it has been used by sports teams for many years to aid healing, generate new cells and recover faster. The Harley Clinic use Factor4 PRP treatments for facial rejuvenation and our partner company DHI Australia use a similar procedure for hair loss with great results.

Using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or the component of your own blood that is rich in platelets, we can rejuvenate your penis. Licensed Physicians for this procedure have seen dramatic improvements in their patients for:

  • increased sensitivity, sensation and pleasure
  • ability to achieve an orgasm
  • stamina and firmness
  • the ability to gain an erection